Thursday, August 11, 2011

25/1038 - Baked beans

Such a yummy recipe I can’t believe this is only the third time I have made it. Actually I think I can safely blame this on the fact that the beans require soaking overnight, which I always forget to do.

The best part of today’s cooking adventure was that the beans required a four hour stint in the oven, which meant I got to use my beautiful cast iron pot that I sadly tucked away in a cupboard when we upgraded to a ceramic cooktop. Contentious I know, sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the universe who actually prefers electricity over gas on a stove top. 

Many hours after I began cooking the beans (borlotti if you were wondering), I was raving to the boys about how much they were going to love them. I was very surprised when they told me that the beans appeared to be lacking in flavour (or words to that effect) until I took a mouthful and realised I hadn’t completed the final step. These beans are just not the same until you add treacle! I am pleased to report that once the yummy treacle was added the comments around the table were much more enthusiastic.

If these beans did not take so long to cook (and require soaking the night before) they would certainly be a more regular addition to our dinner menu.

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