Saturday, January 7, 2012

98/1038 - Pumpkin scones

With some pumpkin in the fridge needing to be used up, I decided to try my hand at pumpkin scones today. My mum has always made the most amazing scones (her cheese and onion are the best I have tasted) and so as I began I was mentally crossing my fingers that I had inherited her knack.

For this recipe the ingredients were rubbed together to form a dough which was shaped into a circle and scored with a knife, ready to be split into twelve pieces. Once they came out of the oven, the boys (all three of them) began hanging around in the kitchen waiting for them to cool. Either they didn't eat enough for dinner or the smell was more tantalising than I realised! Once the scones were split and buttered, all twelve pieces disappeared in less than fifteen minutes.

It looks like I may have inherited the good scone gene, although I think I will continue to leave the cheese and onion variety to the master.

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