What a way to finish a very special dinner party!
One of my guests asked if Stephanie's incredible cheesecake might be included on the dinner party menu. Not wanting to make a dessert I had already blogged, but wanting to satisfy Wendy's request, I decided to put together a dessert medley! It was Trev's idea to deconstruct the cheesecake and now I think it is my preferred cheesecake style, both for cooking and eating!
I reduced the filling recipe by two thirds and cooked it in a pudding tin in a waterbath for around 40 minutes. I made the crumb topping exactly as the recipe suggested, but instead of pressing it into the base of a tin, I pressed it into a pancake shape and baked it on a tray until it was toasty.
And my dessert was born! I realise I am a glutton for punishment, but this dessert has made me want to complicate every dessert I make from now on. Not satisfied with putting one thing on the plate, I am now hooked on the challenge of finding a few different things that taste great together, but most importantly, make for a very pretty plate.