Wednesday, October 8, 2014

372/984 - Chicken stock

Three years in and this is the first stock I have made in this challenge! This is mostly due to the fact that I usually make thermomix stock paste and so don't have a need to make a liquid version. 

I made this stock with the chicken carcass leftover from Sunday night's congee, which makes this the third meal derived from the one chicken (the second night was chicken soup). Not a bad effort for one little bird. 

I had to make a couple of substitutes to the recipe as I didn't have any mushrooms and our parsley has gone to a better place. Instead of these two ingredients I added a big pile of fennel stalks and swapped the leek for spring onion as it was all I had in the fridge. 

The house smelled wonderful as this cooked and my eldest commented on the aroma as he arrived home today, seeking whatever it was that smelled so good! 

So tonight's dinner was a risotto made from this wonderful stock, with brussels sprouts and capsicum and lots of wonderful butter and parmesan.

Lovely x

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