Sunday, November 9, 2014

387/984 - Lemon curd

Another dinner party (what a surprise!) and I decided to do some inventing.

As I began designing my amuse-bouche, I wrote down a list of ingredients I would like to put together. The list became:

  • Lemon curd
  • Coriander (fresh)
  • Cucumber
  • Chicken
  • Chilli
  • Coriander seeds
  • Coconut
Lemon curd is so ridiculously easy to make, and if it wasn't so moreish and simultaneously bad for the hips I would certainly make it more often. Only a 5-10 minute gig, the trickiest thing about this recipe is not eating it all straight from the container.

On the day of the dinner party I cut myself a couple of slices of cucumber, fried up some thinly sliced chicken and began to play around with the flavours. I fried the coconut to finish my concoction and included everything in the first tester except the coriander seeds. I liked the overall taste, but decided that the lemon curd and coconut definitely needed more of a savoury offset.

Into the pan went the coriander seeds, and then a quick bash in the mortar and pestle and I was ready to go.

I ended up serving this as an entrée, as I felt that all of this work was wasted on a mouthful that would be over in a moment. Each guest received three little serves and consensus was that the combination worked, lemon curd and all. 

...and of course they looked lovely too! x

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