Friday, February 26, 2016

504/1038 - Sicilian lemon lamb from Carol Field

As I did a grocery shop today, lamb was definitely on my mind. A few nights ago I was all geared up to tackle this recipe...until I realised we were without lamb! 

I decided to buy lamb rump as it is the cut we most often buy and I was fairly sure things would work out OK, even if I did skip the part about leaving the meat to sit in its juices overnight. 

After wandering around our wonderful garden this evening, snipping parsley and lemon thyme to add to our dinner, I thanked my husband for what felt like the millionth time for keeping me in fresh herbs. I honestly do not know what I would do with myself if I didn't have my fragrant little plants to add taste to almost everything I cook. 

This recipe was designed to feed eight and so I halved it using a little trick I devised many years ago. I tend to get a bit lost in the process as I cook, and in the past have been know to halve some ingredients and then forget myself and proceed to add the non-halved amount of others. Whenever halving or doubling a recipe now, I always rewrite the entire list of ingredients with the converted amounts. Occasionally (and as I did tonight), I will also write out a short-hand version of the recipe so that I can put the book away and make sure I don't slip back into old habits! 

As soon as I had my first taste of the sauce I knew we were onto another winner. The lemon offset the flavour of the meat juices perfectly and I will confess to having many tastes as it thickened. 

My favourite recipes are those which evoke happy groans from my family. Tonight was groan city (hooray!) and we are all eyeing off the leftover sauce which I am fairly sure I will be stealing to pour over a vegetable lunch I had planned for tomorrow. 

A truly heavenly meal x 

The recipe halved...and my shorthand version of the method

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